Subaru Share the Love Event

Did you know?
Local Meals on Wheels programs provide daily nutritious meals, nourishing companionship and critical safety checks to America's homebound seniors. Each donation helps these programs enable seniors to age with independence and dignity in their own homes, where they want to be. Since its inception ten years ago, the Subaru Share the Love Event has helped deliver nearly 2 million meals to America’s seniors!
Here at Kinship we are grateful to Meals on Wheels providing 25 congregate meals a day to our participants. We also know the importance of connection, and delivering meals not on;y means health and wellness it is about connecting with others. Often our senior population is overlooked once their access and transportation is limited. By supporting Meals on Wheels are making sure we are caring for our aging in place population. Aging effects us all as well all age or know someone special that is an aging adult.
Thank you to the Subaru Share the Love Event for supporting programs like Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels has participated in the Subaru Share the Love Event since its inception in 2008.
Learn more here:
And thank you for sharing the love with our seniors!!!